You can use everything in that blog, without any condition except : you do not makes money with, and you make a link to this blog : . If you want to make money with, just send me a mail : thierry on the server
Vous pouvez utiliser ce que vous voulez en provenance de ce site, sans aucune restriction à l'exception de : ne pas être rémunéré pour, et toujours citer l'adresse du site : . Si votre usage vous octroie une rémunération, envoyez moi un mail : thierry sur le serveur
Translation in all langages
I am not sure it is the better way to help you and help my self, again pragmatic self-interest, to write every comment in french and english. It takes me time, and probably it is better I do it in french, and all of you can propose me translation in their language, english but in fact any languages. So do not hesitate to post translation in your language, if this site is usefull for you, it could be usefull for people that speak your language, and you will have to live with them more probably than me.
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